sábado, 6 de agosto de 2011

Development Day 25: Y U No Understand!?

A lot of people are applying to take the Expert Gamer position. But I think they don't get the point.

I want you to know that in this project there is a big difference between a Game Tester and a Beta Tester.

The Game Tester is going to play each stage at least 10 times, and it's going to decide a good time for clearing a stage; it is going to be paid with $50

I'm not desesperately looking for a Beta Tester, but it's always good to have more people on the project. The Beta Tester's job is to search for bugs and report them to me. No paid job.

If you still don't understand the differences, I highly recommend you to take a look to the whole Blog's posts.

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